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Some Tips to Reduce Internet Cost of Android and iPhone [Tutorial]

The Dhaka Times Desk Currently, using the Internet on Android and iPhone mobiles is very expensive, so many people are in trouble with keeping the Internet on Android and iPhone all the time. So here are some tips for you The Dhaka Times Today's report.

Nowadays, some people can afford unlimited internet data plans, but many do not, so they use certain packages. but Android And iPhone Due to the running of various mobile programs, sometimes the data package ends without the knowledge of the user, so the user has to face a problem. Now let's see what methods you can follow to reduce your internet costs.

1. Identify your needs: Before taking the data package you need to be sure how much data you need! Are you able to use Wi-Fi connection and only use mobile data plan when Wi-Fi is not available? If you don't have Wi-Fi connection, then of course you will take your necessary data plan, but if you have Wi-Fi access at your home or office and you need to use the Internet very little outside the home or office, then you should definitely get a low amount of Internet data package. must take

2. Note how much data you are using: You must keep a clear account of your data usage and remaining data. You must be sure of your data usage limit. In this case you can use notification system after certain amount of usage if you want. If you are using any version above Android 4.0 then you can do it very easily. First Settings>Wireless & Networks>Data usage Here you can set notifications on your data usage.

For iPhone iOS7 users Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Usage

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For iPhone iOS6 users Settings > General > Usage > Cellular Usage.

3. Stay connected to Wi-Fi all the time: Stay connected to Wi-Fi whenever you can, being on Wi-Fi will save you a lot of data and at the same time you will get much faster internet access. You can easily find out where there is free Wi-Fi with this app named Wi-Fi Finder!

Download Android users here from
iPhone users download Wi-Fi Finder here from

4. Using a data-efficient browser: There are many browsers that consume extra data so use a browser that consumes less data. If you are an Android user Opera Mini for Android And if iPhone users iOS counterpart You can download it.

5. Use of background data: Various software update processes are running on your smartphone without your knowledge. As a result, a lot of data in your package data plane is wasted. There are some apps that automatically check for updates on the net using data from your specific internet package! So check if any unnecessary apps are running in the background and if so, close them.

If you are an Android user Settings > Wireless & Networks > Data usage You can turn it off by going here, and if you are an iPhone user Settings > Notifications go to

That's it for today to get all the more essential tips The Dhaka Times Stay with it.

Source: The TechJournal

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৫, ২০১৩ 10:01 am


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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