The Dhaka Times Desk Jatiya Party chairman Hussain Muhammad Ershad suddenly announced at a press conference on Tuesday that Jatiya Party will not go to the 10th National Assembly elections. Ever since the announcement, Ershad has gone missing.
No one knows the mystery behind Ershad's disappearance. He has gone into hiding fearing that the government may be angry with the hope that this may happen suddenly from the election. It may also happen that the government may pressurize him to come to the polls again. Several such fears have appeared in the public mind.
Last night two leaders of Jatiya Party Anisul Islam Mahmud and Ziauddin Ahmed Bablu met the Prime Minister. Ershad's disappearance and elections are believed to have been discussed. However, none of their statements came to the media. It is not yet known what exactly was discussed with the Prime Minister.
Meanwhile, Ershad's announcement of boycotting the election is having a huge impact not only in the country but also in the outside world. Various discussions have already started among several countries including India to boycott Ershad's election. Everyone thinks that if Ershad withdraws from the election, it will be difficult for the Awami League to win the election. There will be no acceptance of that election if it is selected alone. Because Ershad's Jatiya Party is currently the third largest party in the country. Ershad's Jatiya Party won 27 seats in the last election as well. Where such a big party like BNP got only 29 seats. From that point of view, Jatiya Party is important. Although the chairman of the party is criticized by everyone in the country and abroad for various reasons. However, the importance of the Jatiya Party has at least been understood after withdrawing from the election yesterday. The largest party, BNPO, welcomed the announcement of Jatiya Party's withdrawal from the polls. Although a few days ago Ershad was addressed as 'Monafek' by BNP.
Meanwhile, the ruling Awami League is in a bad shape due to the withdrawal of the Jatiya Party. Awami League president Sheikh Hasina has called an emergency meeting of the central leaders of the party amid the blockade of the opposition parties and the withdrawal of the Jatiya Party from the elections.
Awami League has informed that this meeting will be held at Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's official residence Ganabhaban on Wednesday afternoon.
But lastly, there is no news about Ershad's disappearance in the media till now. There is no certainty as to where he actually is. But wherever he is, December 13 is the last day to withdraw nominations. Then everything will be clear. That's what everyone thinks. And for that there is no alternative except to wait till the last day of nomination. But if a miraculous solution formula comes before that, then it is a different matter. In that case, the countrymen would live without a breath!
Cartoon: Sadat (Courtesy)
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৪, ২০১৩ 12:42 pm
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Very good sir
মক্কাতে ইনজিল খানা আর বাগদাদে বগিখানা, এইতো মনের বাসনা, এইতো মনের ভাবনা, লাইন বিহনে রেল চলে না.....................।তাদের খেলা তারা বোঝে, আমরা তো ভাই বুঝিনা, ও মুর্ষিদ লাইন বিহনে রেল চলে না।