Categories: entertainment

Take a look at some amazing pictures of winter snow!

The Dhaka Times Desk The eyes are covered by the cold fog and the smoke is coming out of the mouth in the cold. The roads are drowned in fog. Today, The Dhaka Times' special cool arrangement for you is some amazing snow photos.

A lonely fluffy bird, took the picture Simon Roy The bird's name is Robin.


Mark Iocchelli This is a wonderful click of the hand, the dry tree is frozen in the winter snow.

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This picture was taken Mac Key, in this extraordinary picture, a desolate tree freezes in sudden snow. The picture is very beautiful.


Frost took this picture called Sign Scott McDaneyA photographer named l. Scott McDaniel interprets this as a winter freeze bond


This remarkable image is captured in the name Frosted Red Chris Fenison In its camera.


The photographer captured this winter sunset and frosty red Berndt Sjösten


New Years Sunrise Or the famous photographer took this wonderful photo called New Year sunrise Marc Pritchard


The name of the dog in the picture Balto Although he is only 11 months old, he seems to be 11 years old! He took this wonderful picture Jørn Allan Pedersen It reads a photo taken at minus 11 degrees.


Name of the picture Cold story with Ann, it was taken by the photographer Andrey Shuvaev,


Name of the picture Winter Squid this Pierre Salome Its an excellent job.


East Village Snowfall This photo of name was taken by the photographer Sarah Brewbaker Aesthetically, this film is a masterpiece.


photographer John McCormick ক্লিক করা ছবিটির নাম “Natures Art” Here it is seen that the stream of sea water has frozen in severe winter and is on a huge statue.

Source: 500px

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৫, ২০১৩ 10:24 am


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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