The Dhaka Times
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I will commit suicide if I try to arrest - Ershad

The Dhaka Times Desk Former President Jatiya Party Chairman Hussain Mohammad Ershad told reporters that this is the last thing that I will not go for election, no one can remove me from this decision. He also told reporters that if they try to arrest me, I will commit suicide.


Former President National Party Chairman Hussain Mohammad Ershad He announced that he would not go to the polls on Tuesday, but there was a storm in the media that he has not been found since then, but on Wednesday evening he held a bilateral meeting with the Indian Foreign Secretary at his bus building.

Jatiya Party Chairman Hussain Mohammad Ershad has expressed different opinions and decisions at various times.In Talk of the Country” has become. The last time he changed his position when the party was about 240 members He filed his election nomination papers at that time. He alone held a press conference and said, "I am not in this election anymore. If all the parties do not participate in the election, this is the final word. He ordered all his party members to withdraw their nomination papers."

Wednesday evening Rumors about Ershad's arrest spread when a large number of police were seen in front of Jatiya Party Chairman Hussain Mohammad Ershad's house. In this context, when the journalists went to meet Ershad, he told the journalists, I will not go to the election, it is final. If the government arrests me for this, I will commit suicide.

He said, “I told the RAB officers that you cannot arrest me, if you do anything, I will fire 4 rounds of my pistol on my head. Yet I will not go with you.”

Ershad also said, "If someone comes to arrest me, I will give my life, this is my promise, and I will not back down a step from the decision I have taken not to go to the polls." If a hand is laid on me, the country will be on fire.

I took the decision of not going to the polls alone, no one was with me while making the decision. So I will not deviate even one step from my decision.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of Jatiya Party Hussain Mohammad Ershad They said that none of the 6 Jatiya Party ministers in the all-party government were aware of the decision not to go to the polls. They all heard this news on TV. However, the secretary general of the party, the current aviation minister, Mr. Ruhul Amin Howladar said, "We will accept the decision even if the president does not inform us about it."

Jatiya Party Chairman till latest news Hussain Mohammad Ershad A large number of RAB police are stationed in front of the residence, although the police say they have information that Jatiya Party Chairman Hussain Mohammad Ershad may be attacked or sabotaged in the area, so this is to ensure his safety.

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