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Blockade: 8 people died yesterday too. Widespread violence across the country

The Dhaka Times Desk 8 people died yesterday in the blockade program called by 18 parties led by BNP. Train communication is still disrupted in different parts of the country.

Thursday is the sixth day of this week's blockade called by the 18-party alliance. Even today violence has occurred in different parts of the country. There have been incidents of chase and counter-chase with the police at different places. In the morning, Chhatra Dal and Jubo Dal marched in Bijay Nagar of the capital in support of the blockade at Segun Bagicha. At least 10 people were injured in the clash with the police in Barisal. All trains on that route have been stopped due to the opening of the face plate at Ulipur in Jaipurhat.

On the fifth day of the blockade program of the BNP-led 18-party alliance, vehicles were set on fire, vandalized and cocktail blasted in different parts of the country including the capital on Wednesday. 8 people were killed yesterday in various places due to violence.

# Train derailed at Burungi in Saghata Upazila of Gaibandha, 5 people.

Juba Dal leader Harunur Rashid Harun was killed in a clash between the law enforcement forces and the besiegers in # Feni.

# Jubo Dal leader Jahangir Alam was killed in a police chase in Nawabganj, Dhaka.

Meanwhile, Ohidur Rahman Babu (22), who was injured by a petrol bomb thrown by the besiegers on a passenger bus of Bihang Paribahan at Shahbag in the capital on the evening of November 28, died on Wednesday morning while undergoing treatment at the burn unit of Dhaka Medical College.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৫, ২০১৩ 9:51 am

Staff reporter

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