Categories: opinion

Ershad has now become a 'world hero'!

The Dhaka Times Desk Jatiya Party chairman has become a global hero. Because in the last two days, not only Bangladesh, but the world has come to the attention of H. M. Ershad.

When the political situation of the country is dire, Ershad's small announcement has managed to catch the attention of the entire country and the world. Yesterday, he became the medium of several world-renowned news media. The main reason for this is that when the present Awami League government without the opposition BNP is going to the elections with Ershad, such a declaration of Ershad has shocked the world.

The main opposition parties have been agitating for the past two years demanding elections under a non-partisan caretaker government. However, this movement has become more prominent in the last one month. As the Awami League government completed 5 years, due to the constitutional obligation to hold elections within 90 days, the movement started in the country when the government was going to hold the elections without the opposition party. This movement has created a nationwide stalemate.

On the other hand, since Ershad's Jatiya Party was in the grand coalition government of Awami League, it is very natural that he was dragged into the election. But the problem lies elsewhere. Ershad says one thing in the morning and another thing in the afternoon. Due to such dual policy, there is an uncertainty about Ershad throughout the country. But since several senior leaders of Ershad's Jatiya Party have been included in the current all-party government, it was assumed that Ershad would contest the elections for sure. But suddenly Ershad changed his decision. After submitting the nomination papers, he suddenly announced his withdrawal from the election on December 3. In such a situation, the matter has a great impact not only in the country but also in other countries of the world. One reason is that Ershad's party Jatiya Party is now the third largest party in the country. When that party boycotts the election, it naturally comes to everyone's attention whether the election will be held or how acceptable it will be.

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In such a situation, this chairman of Jatiya Party told the media again yesterday that this is his last word and he also asked the members of the party to reject the nomination. In such a situation, he was shocked to see the additional fleet of RAB police deployed for his security. Journalists asked him if he is going to be arrested? In response to such a question, he said, 'I have a pistol, if they come to arrest me, I will commit suicide.'

Jatiya Party Chairman Hussain Muhammad Ershad has now become a 'World Hero' who threatened to commit suicide like a child. At one time those who addressed him as 'world fool' are now praising him (including BNP)!

The political parties of this country talk about the people of the country and do politics by talking about the country. But most of the time they go against the people of the country. For example, one party is going to hold one-sided elections and the other party is making the movement successful by burning and killing people. Today the people have only one hope and that is a free and fair election with the participation of all parties so that a stable government is established and peace returns to the country.

Cartoon: (Courtesy) Sadat and Tanmoy

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ৫, ২০১৩ 11:42 am

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