Categories: recipe

Recipe: Shahi Trukha (Breakfast and Afternoon Snack)

The Dhaka Times Desk Today we have a little exceptional item for you Shahi pieces. It is especially useful for morning and afternoon. It can also be given in children's school tiffin.


  • # Bread Large 1
  • # sugar and a half cup
  • # Condensed milk 1 cup or milk 1 liter
  • # Wood Nuts Chopped or thinly sliced as desired
  • # Saffron little
  • # ghee/oil for frying
  • Method:

    Wood nuts should be boiled in hot water, peeled and thinly sliced and fried in hot oil until brown. Now boil condensed milk or milk with water and mix it with sugar. Cut the slices of bread diagonally. Brown the bread pieces in ghee/oil. After roasting the bread, arrange it on a tray. Reheat the milk and pour it on the bread pieces fried with saffron and sprinkle the fried almonds on the kucha bread and leave it for some time. You will see that the pieces of bread have become very hot after absorbing the milk. Then serve with a slicer on a plate. These shahi pieces are a favorite food of kids.

    Recipe written by: Md. Shahadat Hossain, Spectra Catering, Dhaka.

    This post was last modified on জুন ২৩, ২০২২ 3:26 pm

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