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Pictorial: The Story of a Mysterious Silent Land in Mexico

The Dhaka Times Desk The world is a mystery. There is no end to suffering in the world. Today's story is about a mysterious silent land in Mexico.

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The Zone of Silence, which is called the Silent Land, is surrounded by the strange mystique of Mexico. In this silent desert there is a mystery game in one step. There is an eerily dark, spooky atmosphere. Here in the deep darkness of the night meteor shower. The strange thing is that the tape recorder stops playing suddenly. Even the moving car stops starting. No one knows why this happens. It is like a hostage to an invisible cause.

It is said that the infamous Bermuda Triangle and the Zone of Silence are at the same latitude. Across 10 square miles of central Mexico's Masipi desert, this silent land is home to all kinds of strange animals. The insects here are also three times larger than normal insects which we now call 3D in modern terms.

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It is known that once launched an American missile landed in this particular area without hitting the target. Dhumse meteors fall here daily at night. The rocks in the Zone of Silence are so spooky that they even mess up the compass. Pilots who fly over the area complain that everything seems confusing to them. The giant cactus trees here are brilliant red in color, but these plants lose their color completely when they are taken out of the area. The horns of the stags here are as thick as human wrists. And the beds are not less than a foot long! Their heads are bright red. No one even likes to settle in the Zone of Silence.

In these stories, it is known that people around the desert see a strange kind of light running around in the sky every night. It is also rumored that someone in the nearby desert town of Ceballos has claimed to have seen a flying saucer here. Manuel Shapero, the police chief there, said that night I saw a huge aircraft hanging 50 feet above the city. The vehicle was rectangular, made of metal, with lights flashing around it and making multiple noises. For a few minutes, the vehicle floated like that in the void, then it ran towards the zone of silence like a kite!

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In 1970, the US Air Force programmed a missile named 'Athena' to be launched from Green River, Utah, to White Sands, New Mexico. But after launching the missile, it was seen that instead of going to the original place, it fell in that ghostly desert.

Meanwhile, the UFO researcher and author Brodsteiger, explaining the matter about this mysterious desert, said that there could be two reasons - either an unknown force destroyed the missile or a UFO forced it to drag it from its underground base to the Zone of Silence. But everything depends on guesswork. Many researchers of the world have studied it but nothing could solve the mystery of this ghostly desert. So even today this silent desert remains a mystery. Source: Daily Yugantar Online.

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