Categories: Science-invention

World War II nuclear submarine found!

The Dhaka Times Desk A Japanese missing during World War II of the submarine found For a long time, no trace of the exact location of these submarines was found. And from that the name of mystery fell on them.

In the ocean off the coast of Hawaii, America University of Hawaii The search team found the existence of this submarine. 'I-400' These submarines are named in Japanese terms 'sen-kaku' Genre Submarine. It was one of the largest submarines built until nuclear submarines were developed. In size 'I-400' was 400 feet long. The most innovative aspect of this submarine is that it could circumnavigate the globe one and a half times with just one fuel fill. So far only three such submarines have been built in the world.

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At the end of World War II, the US Army captured 'I-400' and four other Japanese submarines and brought them to the American naval port of Pearl Harbor. In 1946, the then Soviet Union demanded access to Japanese submarines from the United States, as per the treaty that ended World War II. But to avoid giving the Soviets access to these advanced technology submarines, America drilled holes in the bottom of the submarines and sunk them in the sea and told the Soviets that they knew nothing about the submarines. The remaining four of these five submarines were recovered but no trace of 'I-400' could be found. This discovery by the University of Hawaii has solved a long-standing mystery.

Terry Carby, the leader of the search team, said that the discovery was completely unexpected because they never imagined that this huge submarine would be found so close to the coast.

References: Daily Mail

This post was last modified on জুন ৪, ২০১৫ 10:08 pm


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