The Dhaka Times
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BTRC is fixing the fixed price of internet packages of mobile operators

The Dhaka Times Desk In the case of internet use in Bangladesh for a long time, in view of the complaints of each operator charging high prices from customers in the name of one price and different packages, finally the regulatory body BTRC All the operators are going to fix the fixed affordable price of the package.


Until now, there have been complaints of one mobile operator charging one price in determining the price of Internet bandwidth at the customer level, at the same time they were charging high price from the customers by setting the package according to their own, finally the regulatory body BTRC is going to take an initiative regarding the price determination of the Internet package.

In various sources It is known that at the customer level, the operators will decide their fair price by keeping certain packages instead of keeping numerous packages. In this case, BTRC is going to take the initiative of determining a new package by bringing down the bandwidth below 20 rupees per 100 MB.

The decision on this matter has been finalized by BTRC now representatives of all mobile operators have been called to discuss this matter.

Meanwhile, Vice Chairman of BTRC Ghiyasuddin Ahmed He said, "We are already seeing that various operators at the customer level are charging high prices for internet with the name of different packages. We have reviewed the matter for the convenience of the customers, but whatever decision is taken will be taken through discussion."

However, BTRC's repeated calls for meetings with mobile operators in this regard proved futile as the meeting was first called on 27 November, then postponed to 2 and then 4 December due to the blockade, and the representatives of the mobile operators could not attend the next meeting due to the blockade. Not yet given.

Meanwhile, mobile operators say that the market has not yet been created in the country to reduce the price of the package of the Internet, so the time has not yet come to reduce the price of the package at the same time as a specific package!

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