The Dhaka Times
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[Breaking] Quader Mollah's execution postponed until 10 o'clock tomorrow!

The Dhaka Times Desk Finally, after the final effort of Quader Molla's lawyers, the sentence of the defendant Quader Molla, who was going to be executed for the crimes against humanity in 1971, has been postponed until 10 am tomorrow.


After all the preparations of the prison authorities and due to Justice Syed Mahmdu Hossain's letter, the execution of Quader Molla has been postponed. Justice Syed Mahmdu Hossain in his letter ordered the prison authorities to suspend all proceedings of the execution of Quader Molla till 10 am tomorrow.

Earlier on Tuesday around 10:30 pm, Barrister Abdur Razzak told the media from outside the Dhaka Central Jail that they have received an order to stay the execution of the death sentence until 10:30 am on Wednesday.

In the evening, after the jail authorities made preparations for the execution of the death sentence, Kader Mollah's lawyers went to the house of the chamber judge at Kakrail with a request to postpone it. From there, they went to the Attorney General's house, after which they came to the jail with a letter from Justice Syed Mahmdu Hossain and informed the Chithi jail authorities about the postponement of the execution of Quader Molla till 10 am tomorrow.

With this, the nation will have to wait until tomorrow morning to see what next steps are taken regarding the execution of this judgment.

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