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For 20 years, the secret code for launching US nuclear weapons was eight zeros!

The Dhaka Times Desk Nuclear weapons A dangerous threat to the entire human civilization. Incredibly, the secret code for US nuclear weapons for two decades was eight zeros or 00000000.


The President of the United States has the power to use all of the country's nuclear weapons. If the United States accepts a surprise attack, the president is responsible for how to use nuclear weapons for the purpose of the attack according to that country's rules. The President of the United States always carries a black briefcase. Little briefcase this is not. Basically it is the device that starts nuclear war. It contains the necessary instructions on how to use the device. The briefcase is held between several security rings. It is always a military man ADC's Hand tied.

Many may be scratching their heads over what could be code for nuclear warfare. But the reality is, the US authorities kept this code very simple for 20 years. Only 8 zero digits, was the secret code of the dreaded nuclear war. Note that nuclear war was not possible with the code alone. For this, the instructions given by the US President were verified in several steps.

In 1962, the then president of the United States John F. Kennedy National Security Action Memorandum 160Signed this. It mentioned, all nuclear weapons of the United States Permissive Action Link (PAL) It will be governed by the right authority and the right code.


Around 1963-64 Greece And turkish This power was given to the President of the United States when the conflict between the two countries was about to escalate into a nuclear war. At that time both Greece and Turkey were seeking nuclear weapons.

Drama sheds light on this simple eight-digit code Steven M. Bellavin A computer engineer named Former Air Force Officer of United Kingdom Dr. Bruce G. Blair From one of its papers, he brought the issue to everyone's attention.

References: The Tech Journal, Today's Findout,

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