Categories: Science-invention

X-51A WaveRider: Scramjet capable of supersonic flight in record time

The Dhaka Times Desk NASA Unmanned scramjet built by Boeing X-51A, capable of supersonic flight i.e. hypersonic flight. The scramjet recorded the highest speed and longest flight time in its latest test flight.

Scramjet (Supersonic Combustion Ramjet) is ramjet airbreathing combustion Jet engine A variant in which the combustion process is carried out in supersonic airflow. Using oxygen as fuel makes it smaller, lighter and faster. Due to its fast movement, its structure is usually full. However, scramjets have a special arrangement to accommodate the heat generated by flying at high speed.

Scramjet Its speed is determined by comparison with that of sound. Scramjets are capable of flying at speeds greater than the speed of sound. The speed of these types of aircraft is usually Mach number is measured by The Mach number is the number obtained by dividing the speed of an object moving through air or another medium by the speed of sound.

The scramjet was built Hypersonic flight For the sake of giving. Hypersonic flight refers to cutting through the atmosphere Mach 5.5 This refers to any flight over the speed limit. At this level the air reaches the maximum thermal limit that can cause the aircraft, the aircraft, to melt. For this, special methods are applied. The x-15 rocket plane, space shuttle orbiter, Apollo command module, scramjet etc. are suitable for hypersonic flight.

NASA built scramjet Boeing X-51A T is a special type of scramjet designed for hypersonic flight. this X-51A WaveRider Also known as It is used in hypersonic speed experiments. Hypersonic speed was 5 times faster than sound. On a flight on May 1 this year, X-51A WaveRider Achieving the Mach 5 speed limit was a milestone. Which was 6,200 kilometers per hour at sea level. At higher altitudes it was 5,300 kilometers per hour.

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X-51A WaveRider The first hypersonic flight was attempted on 26 May 2010. Later this scramjet gave two more test flights. But both flights failed. The 4th flight on May 1 this year is a success. The 25-foot-long, 4,000-pound scramjet is designed to carry the U.S. to about 50,000 feet above the surface. of the Air Force a plane B-52 is used. From that altitude over the Pacific Ocean, the scramjet successfully performed hypersonic flight.

In a very short time, the scramjet reached a speed of Mach 4.8. Later, it exceeded Mach 5 in the final moments. Amazingly, even with this huge hypersonic speed, it gives a flight time of more than 3 minutes. Both time and speed X-51A WaveRider by recording

Watch the record-setting X-51A WaveRider test flight here:

References: The Tech Journal

This post was last modified on জুন ২, ২০১৫ 7:48 pm


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