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A high-level meeting is underway in the Ministry of Law on the execution of Quader Molla!

The Dhaka Times Desk Due to the rejection of Jamaat's Assistant Secretary Abdul Quader Mollah's execution verdict appeal (review) in the Supreme Court, there is no more suspension of the execution of Quader Mollah, at this moment, the relevant high level officials of the government are meeting in the Ministry of Law regarding the implementation of the execution verdict of Quader Mollah and taking necessary measures!

According to various sources, former Law Minister Shafiq Ahmed, the Prime Minister's legal advisor, current Law Minister Advocate Md. Kamrul Islam and State Minister for Home Affairs Advocate Shamsul Haque Tuku, and several other top government officials are present in the meeting. In the meeting, they are examining all kinds of legal complications regarding the execution of the verdict after the review application of the death sentence of Quader Mollah was rejected.

It is believed that the meeting is to decide when the judgment can be implemented since there is no legal bar after the judgment is dismissed.

Meanwhile, after the Supreme Court rejected the appeal of Jamaat Assistant Secretary General Abdul Quader Mollah, who was sentenced to death for crimes against humanity, by the unanimous decision of all the judges, Barrister Abdur Razzaq told the media that The death sentence cannot be carried out until a fully certified copy of the order is received, while Quader Mulla still has until December 28 to seek a pardon from the President.

After the rejection of Quader Molla's death sentence review application, Bangladesh's chief legal officer, Attorney General Mahbube Alam, said that since Quader Molla had spent a certain amount of time after the previous verdict was announced and was asked to apologize in front of two magistrates, he said that There is no more opportunity to apologize for not apologizing. At the same time, there is no need to send the full copy of the dismissal of the review petition of Quader Mollah's death sentence to the jail, since the judgment is unanimous, the judgment can be executed at any time only if the summary certified order is sent to the jail.

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According to the latest news, a short time ago, the summary order of rejection of the review application of Quader Mollah's death sentence has been sent to the Dhaka Central Jail.

Kader Mollah's death sentence is effective and keep an eye on The Dhaka Times for the latest status.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১২, ২০১৩ 4:21 pm


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