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Quader Mullah hanged for war crimes

The Dhaka Times Desk It has just been reported that in 1971, the death sentence of Abdul Quader Mollah was executed as the first defendant for war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Great Liberation War of Bangladesh. The execution took place at 10:10 pm on Thursday. The prison authorities said that the body of Kader Mullah is being handed over to the family members.

Update: 4:30 p.m

When Quader Molla's body reached Amirabad in Bhasanchar Union of Sadarpur Upazila of Faridpur at 3:10 PM, it was received by his younger brother Mainuddin Molla. Later, the funeral was held in the courtyard of the house under tight security. Finally, according to the last wish, Kader Mullah was buried next to the graves of his parents. After the burial at 4:10 PM, the convoy of Dhaka Central Jail left for Dhaka.

On February 5, 2013, at the International Criminal Tribunal, Kader Mollah was found guilty on five out of six counts of crimes against humanity and war crimes. Mullah, a member of Al Badr, an anti-independence force during the Great War of Liberation, was convicted and sentenced to life in prison for killing 344 innocent people and other crimes. The state could not appeal as only the defendant had an opportunity and the state did not have an appeal. But later, in the face of massive agitations across the country, the government changed the International Tribunal Act to include the right of appeal by the state side, and as a result, the state side appealed to the Supreme Court.

Finally, after a long hearing, on September 17, 2013, the Supreme Court ordered the death penalty instead of life imprisonment as the crime against humanity was proved.

Quader Molla full name Abdul Quader Molla who was born in 1948 in Amirabad village of Faridpur. His father's name is Sona Mian Mollah. In 1971, Jamaat leaders opposed the independence of Bangladesh because they believed that partitioning the Muslim-majority country would go against Islam. So as a member of the Islami Chhatra Sangha, Kader Mullah joined the paramilitary force Al Badr during the War of Independence. At that time, Quader Mullah involved himself in killings, rapes and arson and above all crimes against humanity along with the Pakistani forces. But Bangladesh won the war and gained independence and the new government banned Jamaat from politics. Later, when the head of the country, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, was killed in his family, at that time the Ziaur Rahman government resettled Jamaat politics again in Bangladesh, and Quader Molla became active in Jamaat politics again.

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Now let's find out what were the war crimes brought against Kader Mullah:

  • On April 5, 1971, Pallab, a student of Mirpur Bangla College, was shot dead on his orders.
  • On March 27, Quader Mollah and his accomplices killed poet Meherunnisa, her mother and two brothers at their home in Mirpur.
  • On March 29, journalist Khandaker Abu Taleb was abducted from Arambagh and slaughtered at the Pumphouse execution house.
  • On November 25, 1971, Quader Mullah Razakar killed more than a hundred villagers in Keraniganj's Bhawal Khanbari and Ghatarchar along with his forces. The judgment said that the prosecution could not prove this allegation.
  • On April 24, 1971, along with the Pakistani army, they raided Alokadi village in Mirpur and killed more than 344 people.
  • On March 26, Quader Molla and his accomplices went to Hazrat Ali Lashkar's house in Mirpur Section 12 and killed Lashkar's wife, two daughters, a two-year-old son and raped an 11-year-old girl of Lashkar. Where Kader Mullah leads.

Crime source on Kader Mollah: Wikipedia

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১৩, ২০১৩ 4:59 am


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