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North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is sentenced to death under martial law!

The Dhaka Times Desk The ruler of North Korea, a communist-ruled country in Asia Kim Jong-un An influential figure in his government sentenced his own Khaloo to death by martial law for corruption and anti-government activities.

North Korea is one of the most sensitive countries in the world political scene, which does not like to discuss or share anything inside or outside with anyone, its current dictator. Kim Jong-un Who is the father? Kim Jong-il Get power from, today he judged his own Khalu in the country's martial law!

Kim Jong-un Its empty Chang Song-thaek He was considered the second highest leader of the current North Korea not long ago, last week Chang Song-thaek He was stripped of all military powers and charged with corruption, while also being accused of drinking and performing state duties.

North Korean news media KCNA has already reported Chang Song-thaek His death sentence has been carried out but they did not say when and exactly when the sentence was carried out. Meanwhile, KCNA news showed last week Chang Song-thaek Some of the army soldiers are taking the car by the hand.

This is after receiving power from the father at a very young age Kim Jong-un During the father's time, who took measures against the highest state leaders!

Before that, of course Kim Jong-il When two years ago his own child on the death bed Kim Jong-un Who gives power at that time Chang Song-thaek He told his nephew worse than a dog! since then Kim Jong-un its empty Chang Song-thaek The North Korean media KCNA is a little strict about this.

meanwhile Chang Song-thaek The White House said the death was not yet confirmed, but that it was not unusual because North Korea's leader was already radicalized, and if true, it would appear to be another form of dictatorship there.

Source: BBC
Thank you: Reuters

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