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Street children have recovered 2 bodies from the ruins of Rana Plaza!

The Dhaka Times Desk Even after a long time passed after the horrific collapse in Savar Rana Plaza, street children collected old iron from there on Friday and recovered the skulls and bones of dead people and gave them to the police.

According to local sources, some street children named Ziad, Akhtar and Babu were looking for old iron in the ruins of Rana Plaza in Savar. They found a jacket there. The jacket was buried under a wall and bones and skulls came out as soon as they pulled it. A mobile phone and ID card were found in the jacket of the dead body, the name of Mohammad Obaidur was written on the ID card. In the New Web Bottom factory, Sween worked as an assistant on the third floor of Rana Plaza.

Another named Shamim recovered a skull floating in water from the basement of Rana Plaza. He handed over the skull to the police.

There is no police patrol or camp at the now-destroyed Rana Plaza due to political unrest across the country. As a result, there is no security.

Meanwhile, many relatives are still gathering in front of Rana Plaza to find their relatives every day. They claim that their DNA tests have not yet found their relatives so there are still bodies of their relatives under the ruins.

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The local police said that the bones and other evidence from the incident site have been kept in police custody, the rest of the measures will be taken after receiving further instructions from the authorities.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১৩, ২০১৩ 11:00 pm


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