Gmail users can now see images directly in their mail!

The Dhaka Times Desk Until now, Gmail users have not been able to see the images directly in the mail, but now they can see them directly in the mail without any option.

Previously, Gmail users were asked if they wanted to see a picture if a mail actually had an image attached to it, the picture would be opened only if the user wanted to see it, but as a result of this new change, Gmail will directly show the pictures in their email to the users without any permission!

Gmail used to spread viruses through email, where these viruses came with images, but recently Gmail, the largest search engine, files and scans all email images on their servers and all email images from other sites, resulting in users receiving more incoming images. No need to warn.

Meanwhile, those users who do not want to see the images directly sent to the email in this way, go to the General tab and go to the settings and give them the view option.Ask before displaying external images.' This option. Then Gmail will ask for your permission before showing you the image in every email!

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Although all web users can now see this new change in their Gmail, mobile Gmail users will receive this update in early 2014.

Source: The Tech Journal

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১৫, ২০১৩ 11:15 am


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