The Dhaka Times Desk Widespread violence by Jamaat-Shibir took place across the country yesterday. These incidents happened after the hanging of Kader Mullah. At least 13 people including workers of Awami League and Jamaat Shibir were killed.
The Jamaat-Shibir has carried out violent attacks and vandalism in various parts of the country on Saturday as well, in protest against the hanging of Jamaat leader Abdul Quader Molla for crimes against humanity in 1971. 13 lives were lost yesterday in these incidents.
An unprovoked attack on the convoy of local MP Asaduzzaman Noor in Nilphamari led to a fierce clash between Awami League leaders and workers and the police. At least 6 people were killed during this time. Khorshed Alam Chowdhury (50), President of Tupamari Union Farmers League, Farhad Hossain (28), Jubo League activist and Abu Bakkar Chiddik (30), member of Laxmichap Union BNP, were killed in the clash. Awami League activist Lebu Mia and Chhatra League activist Murad Hossain who were seriously injured were admitted to Rangpur Medical College Hospital where they died later. However, Jamaat Shibir claimed that 1 of them died.
On the other hand, 6 people were killed in police firing yesterday when they attacked the police and set fire to the government office in Companyganj of Noakhali. The camp claimed them as their workers. The names of 5 people were immediately found among the victims. They are Russell (32), camp worker Saiful Islam (19), Matiur Rahman Sajeeb (17), Raihan (22) and Abdus Sattar (28).
An Awami League worker was hacked to death in Sylhet. Apart from this, Jamaat-Shibir cadres have caused various types of vandalism including setting fire to offices, vehicles and police outposts in various parts of the country including the capital.
On the other hand, Jamaat-e-Islami has called for morning-evening hartal across the country today to protest against the hanging of Mullah Quader. The Jamaat called the program in protest against the hanging of the party's Assistant Secretary General Quader Mollah as a 'murder'.
This strike started from this morning. However, no untoward incidents have been reported so far. Minibuses are running in the capital more than any other hartal. Tempo, CNG is running normally. Law enforcement is on alert. The train left as usual. However, the long-distance bus did not leave like other times.
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১৫, ২০১৩ 10:10 am
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