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Bhairav river is being occupied! The administration is silent

Jeevannagar (Chuadanga) representative. The Bhairav river of Jeevannagar is getting occupied. Influential land grabbers are competing for illegal possession by damming and digging ponds in the middle of the Bhairab river in Andulbaria area of the upazila. Again, someone cut the soil from both sides of the river and started cultivating it.

It is known that if these dams are not removed on an urgent basis and the land is not freed from illegal encroachers, then the river bed will disappear completely soon. According to upazila land office sources, there are about 83 hectares of land of Bhairab river in Government Khas Khatian number 1 in Utholi, Andulbaria and Banka Unions of the upazila. Out of this, there are 21 hectares of land in Jibannagar Municipality, 32 hectares in Utholi Union, 19 hectares in Andulbaria Union and 11 hectares in Banka Union.

On the surface, it was seen that Andulbaria area is being dug in the middle of the river in front of Andulbaria Girls School and mach is being cultivated. Retired BGB member of the area Md. Dalu dug the pond after occupying the land of the river. Digging ponds in the middle of the river has stopped the flow of water. Similarly, the kiln owner Md. Azim has dammed the middle of the river for easy transportation of bricks and other goods from his brick kiln next to the Karchchadanga crematorium. Due to this dam, the water flow of the river has stopped. Also, the influential land robbers of the area have illegally occupied the land of the river by damming it in several places.

A farmer of the area, on condition of anonymity, said that earlier I used to irrigate paddy and other crops with Bhairab river water. But due to land robbers damming the middle of the river, the flow of water has stopped and the river has completely dried up. As a result, production costs have increased manifold due to irrigation of crop fields with diesel powered shallow engines. He also said that the land robbers had grabbed the land of the river once before. It was freed from occupation due to the intervention of the administration. But at present there is no intervention or monitoring by the administration and the land robbers have become reckless. In this regard, when the owner of the brickyard, Md. Azim, was contacted on the mobile phone regarding the illegal construction of a dam in the middle of the river, he said that the dam was removed on the instructions of the Upazila Nirbahi Officer. In this regard, Upazila Nirbahi Officer Md. Sajedur Rahman said that necessary action will be taken against those who have dammed the middle of the river and are cultivating by cutting and filling the soil from both sides of the river.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৭, ২০১৪ 12:23 pm

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