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A lion goes on a buffalo hunt and then becomes the victim himself!

The Dhaka Times Desk The predatory animal also gets into trouble while catching the prey and can become the victim instead of the victim itself. This report by the Dhaka Times today is a photo description of such a real incident.

Lion! Considered to be the highest and best of all predatory animals, with a concerted effort in catching prey combined with speed and courage, it effortlessly hunts down any animal even several times its own weight!

But sometimes overconfidence in wrong aim or wrong steps can lead to self harm. As the main character of today's report proves so, let's have fun like comics and take a look at how a lion went to hunt a buffalo and became a buffalo himself:

Hold tight, almost done!
I think you will escape with words?
Oh, I have a lot of pain, now come help my pain!
You can sit and eat comfortably, I hold it tight.
Nah! Better see a lot of power!
Uri father! Terrible! I can't alone!
This catch ran away!
Nah! Hunting is not so simple!
How about trying again?
Come on! Now I will escape the words today I will eat!
Hey! Hey! Who is it?
Good danger! I see this Moha Teji, save! Save!
Mago! Dilo Singh Dukie!

Now let's watch the full video of lion and buffalo fight:

Source: Viralnova

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১, ২০১৪ 2:00 pm


"Great as father's money, poor as my own money. Ultimate I consider myself poor. Because of father's money, Futani Marina."

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