The Dhaka Times Desk Chinese hackers have been closely monitoring EU diplomats since the last G20 meeting. In this work they have used their hacking skills!
The intelligence of different countries around the world are monitoring different countries in different ways, but this time Chinese hackers are keeping a special eye on the activities of people employed in government jobs by using hacking technology with direct access to the machines that those diplomats are using!
This surveillance of Chinese hackers first started in 2010 under a project called 'Operation Ke3chang'! They mainly work by targeting diplomats from different government departments including aerospace, energy, high-tech of the European Union.
'Operation Ke3chang' sent malware-ridden emails, mainly to EU ministerial officials, falsely claiming to contain details of the US's Syria operation, with the malware immediately downloaded and installed on the computers of officials who opened the files.
Note that this malware of Chinese hackers attacks Java zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2012-4681), Microsoft Word (CVE-2010-3333) and Adobe PDF Reader (CVE-2010-2883) software users. Basically, Chinese hackers spread this malware by targeting the diplomats of the European Union who participated in the G20 meeting!
The entire Ke3chang project used Roy 23 command and control servers, FireEye has already managed to determine these servers and at the same time they have been able to determine which diplomats of the European Union have been the victims of this hacking attack and which of their computers are under the scope of these hacking. At present, work is being done to remove these diplomats' computers from the scope of hacking. Detailed information about the hacking is available in the sources published by FireEye.
Thank you: The Tech Journal
Special thanks to: FireEye
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১৬, ২০১৩ 11:30 am
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