The Dhaka Times
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The combined voice of 3 lakh people sang the national anthem of Bangladesh and made a world record!

The Dhaka Times Desk On the 42nd anniversary of the victory of Bangladesh, the capital's Suhrawardy Udyan has been resounding with the combined emotions of nearly 3 lakh people. This is a world record for singing the national anthem of a country by so many people at the same time.


The organization of singing the national anthem of Bangladesh was held on December 16 at 4:31 pm at the historical Suhrawardy Udyan. One of the reasons for holding this event here is that it was in this Suhrawardy Udyan that the Pakistani invaders surrendered in 1971 at 4:31 PM, 42 years ago today.

Many people started gathering in Suhrawardy Udyan in the capital from the early morning. As the day progressed, the number of people also increased. At one time, when the clock struck 4:31 in the afternoon, about 300,000 people in Sohrawardy Udyan simultaneously sang the national anthem of Bangladesh, 'Amar Sonar Bangla, Aami Tome'. love.'


Many locals and foreigners have seen it on various TV and media and directly declared solidarity with this program and sang the national anthem of Bangladesh.

Note that the previous record for the largest number of people singing the national anthem in May 2013 was the Indian National Anthem which was sung by 121,653 people.. It is organized by Sahara India family in Lucknow, India.


before that Bangladesh has set a world record for the world's largest human flag! It is the 42nd anniversary of the victory that Bangladesh achieved such a unique glory. Organized by the Bangladesh Army and mobile operator Robi, Bangladesh achieved the Guinness World Record success by making the world's largest flag with the initial count of 27 thousand 117 people. Although so far the Guinness World Records authority has not made any official statement on this matter.

Thank you: Guinness World Records

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