China's unmanned Chang'e-3 spacecraft successfully lands on the moon

The Dhaka Times Desk Earlier this December, the Asian superpower China launched its first unmanned spacecraft Chang'e-3 from Earth to the moon and last Saturday Chang'e-3 finally landed on the moon.

So far two countries of the world have successfully landed their spacecraft on the moon and they are America and Russia. Now China has become the third country to land its own spacecraft Chang'e-3 on the moon.

Chang'e-3 made a slow landing on the moon's chest just after 9:00 p.m. Saturday, 11 minutes after its slow landing, its four legs gripped the surface of the moon and activated itself to move there. Earlier, Chang'e-3 landed on the moon's chest for reconnaissance from about 15 kilometers above and about 100 meters above lunar surface Once there, it automatically decelerates, and it descends very slowly to the designated final landing spot.

Chang'e-3 It will automatically navigate to the Moon's chest while searching the Moon's chest. At Chang'e-3 Yutu There is a small landing vehicle called solar powered, with 6 wheels and two separate electric arms that will dig and collect soil on the lunar surface. Yutu Will work on the geological structure of the moon for about a year.

Source: The Tech Journal

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১৭, ২০১৩ 4:49 pm


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