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Godzilla: Returns to the Big Screen with All-New Action [Video Trailer]

The Dhaka Times Desk Remember the 'Godzilla' movie seen as a child? The first Japanese movie to feature a strange monster called a kaiju – the classic Hollywood version of Godzilla. The science fiction movie Godzilla was made about this Godzilla. Recently after the release of the trailer of this movie on YouTube, a lot of viewers rushed to watch the trailer and the video trailer got a lot of hits.


Godzilla, a gigantic monster, has attacked the earth, although it can be said that they were created scientifically - man has brought about his own destruction. He has made mankind face destruction. He cannot be stopped in any way. Is there no escape from the hands of people or the world? Faced with such fears, a group of commandos were sent to destroy Godzilla. Will they be able to save the earth and the human race? We have to wait till the release of the movie to know the answer.


Some information about the movie:

  • Released in Hollywood in 1998 'godzilla' The movie created a lot of response. The new 'Godzilla' movie is said to be a reboot version of that movie. The movie is directed by Gareth Edwards.
  • The movie is produced by the famous production company Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures. The budget of the movie is 160 million dollars. The movie will also be released in Japan in Japanese.
  • Kick ass fame acted in the movie Aaron Taylor Johnson, Bryan Cranston, Elizabeth Olsen etc.
  • The trailer of the movie got a lot of viewership on YouTube soon after its release. The trailer has been viewed more than a million times so far. Seeing the interest of the audience, the director is optimistic about the success of the movie.
  • The movie will be released worldwide on 16 May 2014. The audience will have to wait until then.

Movie trailer:

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