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The strike and blockade did not stop the wedding: a person got married in a helicopter!

The Dhaka Times Desk Especially the people of Bangladesh may be a little surprised to see such news in newspapers. But the story is true. A man from Bogra got married in a helicopter so that the wedding date would not be postponed due to the siege.

Many people are confused about marriage due to strike-blockade. The date is not correct. In some cases, the bride has to pay extra money due to the fear of loss of marriage. In particular, the loss of Lagna is viewed differently by Hindus. Because of this, the bride hires a helicopter to take the groom to the wedding hall. Again, there are cases where the marriages are done in a hurry and with short arrangements. Even if there is a desire, many of the close relatives are unable to invite or keep the invitation.

There is usually no strike on Fridays. So the wedding was fixed on Friday so as not to be disturbed by the strike. And so the marriage date of Nayan Chandra Sarkar of Madhyachelopara of Bogra city was fixed on Friday. The leaders and activists of Jamaat-Shibir blocked roads in different parts of the country including Bogra on Friday as Jamaat leader Quader Mollah was hanged. As the bride's house was in Dhaka, there was no way to go by road. Fearing that the marriage would be ruined, the bride sent a helicopter to Bogra for her daughter's wedding. In the afternoon, the groom reached the bride's house by helicopter. The bride also had to pay extra money to rent a helicopter.

Many more such weddings are being delayed due to the strike. The wedding date of Farzana Tania, a media worker in Colony area of Bogra city, was fixed two months in advance. According to him, he is supposed to get married on 18th December. But due to political violence and strike-blockade, the scheduled date was changed to December 16. The bride and groom fear that the political situation is such that if any strike-blockade program comes again after December 16, the date has been changed and moved forward. However, even though the wedding was supposed to be organized in a big way, it was not possible due to the short time. To avoid any incident on the road after evening, the bride and groom will leave after completing the marriage by noon.

There are also cases where many people could not go to the wedding ceremony of their relatives due to the strike. Not only is it destroying the economy, but the strike has had a major impact on people's livelihood, family rituals and everything. His witness in these incidents.

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This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১৭, ২০১৩ 11:30 am

Staff reporter

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