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Sea level will rise 2 feet in the next 70 years and 8 feet by 2200! [research]

The Dhaka Times Desk Global warming is increasing day by day, the ice layer of the earth is melting and the sea level is rising, as a result of which the lands of many countries including the low regions of the earth are sinking! This time, researchers said that the height of sea water will increase by 2 feet in the next 70 years and this limit will increase to 8 feet by the year 2200!


The temperature of the earth is increasing due to various reasons, including greenhouse gases, which is causing the ice to melt. Melting ice is flowing into the oceans and sea levels are rising, there is no way to stop this melting. Global warming is caused by various human causes.

Researchers have found in a study that the current rate of melting of the world's ice is much higher than at any other time in history, as a result, the sea level is also rising at twice the previous rate. Australian National University teacher Eelco Rohling said, “We are facing a sleeping monster! It is not possible to prevent this ice melting so easily, as a result of this melting, the sea level will rise by 25 to 30 feet at one time.


The researchers also noticed that the temperature is increasing at a rate of about 10 times higher than before, currently, the construction of factories is increasing all over the world, as well as pollution, the global warming has increased more than before, the ice is melting, and the environment is being threatened.

Nature According to the research report published in the journal, in about 70 years from today, the sea level of the world will rise by 2 feet and by the year 2200 it will rise to 8 feet! It will sink many low lands of the world!

Source: The TechJournal
Thank you: Nature

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