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Some amazing pictures of construction workers taken by a Bangladeshi photographer

The Dhaka Times Desk When you are reading this, you are probably sitting in an office, home or university high-rise building. Someone might be sitting in a jam next to a huge billboard on the road and looking at this text. But have you ever thought about the people behind the screen of the building you are sitting on or the billboard you are looking at? Let's see how much a young photographer's camera, how much risk, how much gambling with their lives these construction workers provide a handful of food for themselves or their families.

The photo above was taken while workers were working in an apartment under construction, the photographer wanted to convey a message about the workers' labor and the extent of the risks involved.

the picture SAARC fountain, caught on camera from the Karwan Bazar area, is a picture of workers busy making a huge iron frame for a billboard.

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This picture also came up Caravan market The same workers from the area are working on making billboard frames, how many life risks these workers are working!

See here how the construction workers are working in the caravan market area!

Have you ever seen the billboards that we see on the road every day with the advertisements of different companies placed so high on this picture? These people put these billboards at the risk of their lives! They really are Gambler!

Identity of the photographer

Name: Tanzeer Ahmed Shubo, a doctor/researcher by profession, photography is an addiction, but now seems to be little more than a hobby. You will see the wonderful pictures taken by him Flickr or Facebook from the account.

Note: If you have any amazing photos or videos you take, which you and In The Dhaka Times Want to publish, please get in touch here.

This post was last modified on আগস্ট ৫, ২০১৪ 10:53 am


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