The Dhaka Times
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There is no pair of Kadam flowers to remove bad breath and varicose veins

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people have bad breath. And afraid to go to the locality with this stench. Kadam flower is a great medicine for them. Kadam bark is also very useful in varicose veins.


Kadam flower has several properties. Take a few kadam flowers and cut them into small pieces and boil them in water. If you gargle with that boiled water several times day and night, the bad breath will be removed. Kadam flower is a very useful adjunct food as a food during probol fever. If you feel thirsty in probol fever, drinking the juice of Kadam fruit will reduce your thirst for water.

Modern experiments have shown that the bark of the Kadam tree contains cinchona-like substances. This is what creates addiction. Kadam tree was recognized as an important medicinal by Buddhist Tantrics - without any scientific testing.

In our country, the use of Kadam leaves for varicose veins is very old. According to Ayurvedya Sivakali Bhattacharya, if the bark of the kadam tree is applied to the cells like sandalwood and tied with kadam leaves, pain and swelling are reduced. So let's benefit by using Kadam flower and its bark according to rules.

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