The Dhaka Times
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Actor Khaled Khan is at the crossroads of life and death

The Dhaka Times Desk Popular actor Khaled Khan is now battling with death.

khaled khan

[BREAKING] Our beloved actor Khaled Khan is no more – Dec 20 at 8:18 pm Bardem breathed his last at the hospital, tomorrow at 10:30 am the body will be kept at Shaheed Minar for tributes.

He fell seriously ill on Tuesday morning and was admitted to Bardem Hospital in the capital. Seeing the deterioration of the condition, he was immediately taken to the ICU and kept on life support. Meanwhile, Khaled Khan's relatives are mentally broken in the current situation. No one is agreeing to withdraw life support.

On the other hand, even after 2 days of his hospitalization, his condition is still unchanged. Bardem's doctors also do not want to talk to the media about Khaled Khan's physical condition. The doctor in charge only said that the doctors will talk to the media only if the patient's condition improves.

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Khaled Khan's family sources have been reported by the media as saying that he was suffering from motor neuron problem for a long time. Due to which the muscles of his body become useless. As a result, he could not even walk normally. He used to walk in a wheel chair for several years. When his condition worsened on Monday, he was taken to the family doctor in Malibu. From there he was advised to transfer to Bardem. But due to the traffic jam on the way, he had a respiratory attack on the road. During this time, various parts of his body became ineffective. He was then admitted to the ICU of Bardem Hospital and is still undergoing treatment there.

Meanwhile, the family members of the popular actor Khaled Khan have prayed for his recovery from countless fans including the countrymen.

It should be noted that Khaled Khan started acting in stage plays in the eighties and rose to the top of popularity in a short period of time. He gained popularity by acting in Humayun Ahmed's serial drama 'Eisab Dinratri' and Imdadul Haque Milan's drama 'Rupnagar'. He acted in thousands of plays on stage for the civic theater community. More than 10 plays staged under his direction. He acted in Nagrik's play 'Rakta Karbi' last stage. His last direction was Subachan's 'Roopvati' play. He has been away from acting and directing for almost three years due to physical illness. Even though he is away from acting, he has continued to voice in advertisements.
