Categories: recipe

Recipe: Chicken and Cauliflower Broth

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's recipe roundup has an exceptional item for you. And that is chicken and cauliflower broth. As a winter vegetable, this cauliflower contains a lot of C. And the desi chicken broth with these vegetables is amazing and healthy.


  • # Country Chicken Medium Size 1
  • # cauliflower 8 pieces
  • # ginger paste 1 tsp
  • # garlic paste ½ tsp
  • # cumin batter 1 tsp
  • # Coriander paste half teaspoon
  • # is the same amount of salt
  • # dry chili powder 1 tsp
  • # turmeric powder half teaspoon
  • # garlic cloves 1 tbsp
  • # chopped onion 1 cup
  • # cinnamon 2 pieces
  • # Cardamom 3/4 t
  • # mustard oil ½ cup
  • prepared method

    Fry the cauliflower with 2 tbsp oil in a kadai with a little turmeric and salt. Mix together all the ingredients except cauliflower, cinnamon, cardamom and meat and let it brown in the oven. When the oil comes up again 2

    Dilute with a tablespoon of water. Grind it thrice in this way, then grind it once again with cauliflower and make broth with cardamom and cinnamon. When the meat is cooked, keep it in a thin broth. Now serve.

    This post was last modified on জুন ২৩, ২০২২ 2:59 pm

    Laila Haque

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