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How NASA astronauts are fixing broken cooling lines! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk A line between the two main cooling lines of the International Space Station (ISS) suddenly breaks and NASA sends two astronauts to the ISS to fix the cooling line!


About 10 days ago they discovered that one of the two cooling systems was overcooling. As the International Space Station (ISS)'s cooling lines have been damaged, operations have become virtually impossible, with NASA attempting to fix the cooling lines remotely, but they have failed. As a result, NASA announced a temporary halt to all research work on the ISS and sent two reserve engineers to fix the damaged line on the ISS.


The two astronauts sent to the International Space Station are Mike Hopkins and Rick Mastracchio, they are two experienced astronauts, but the work they are going to do is very difficult and difficult. There they spent about 6.5 hours doing complex and delicate work in the open air of space, which would be an understatement.

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Two astronauts had Kulin line water enter their hamlets while working on the International Space Station, but they continued to breathe and worked for 6.5 hours. They said they have successfully completed the first of three phases. It is expected that the work of the remaining two phases will be completed by Christmas.


Source: The Tech Journal

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