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Bangladesh politics and that 'rare' picture of Facebook

The Dhaka Times Desk The politics of Bangladesh is impenetrable. One group can never see eye to eye with the other. And so they don't see much together. Although they are rarely together, they are also out of the reach of journalists. But this exceptionally rare photo from Facebook will surely satisfy everyone's hopes.

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Understanding the politics of Bangladesh is very difficult and difficult. One group always thinks of another group as its opponent. And so it manifests itself in words and actions.

When Armed Forces Day came last November, the people of this country thought that Prime Minister and Leader of Opposition Begum Khaleda Zia would meet there. Although everyone hoped it did not happen in reality. Because Khaleda Zia didn't go to the cantonment's durbar hall function. However, the Prime Minister spoke with Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir that day. Last year, the two leaders went to the Durbar Hall, but they were facing each other. However, in Sylhet, the Finance Minister and Sylhet Mayor BNP leader set a precedent by riding in a rickshaw. But such cases are few and far between.

Whether in the government or in the opposition, the situation is always the same. The politicians of our country see each other as opposing forces. That is why such a situation never brings anything good for the country. Rather, there is always a huge gap between the leaders of both the parties.

Recently, such a rare picture has appeared on Facebook. Since such a scenario does not occur in reality, the word 'rare' is used. A picture of BNP-Awami League leaders in the same frame has spread on Facebook. The picture shows that after 11, the top leaders of BNP and Awami League are standing in front of the Karnaphuli cell of Dhaka Central Jail. Mohammad Nasim, Khandaker Mosharraf Hossain, Barrister Nazmul Huda, Mir Nasir, Salman F Rahman, Salauddin Quader Chowdhury, Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir, Anam H Mustafa Kamal and many others. The then DIG Prisons Shamsul Haider Siddiqui is also seen with them. Image - Sourced from Facebook.

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