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How to Increase Lockscreen Security of Android Smartphone [Tutorial]

The Dhaka Times Desk The current time is the time of Android smartphones, more than half of the smartphone market in the world is occupied by Android operating system devices, but an important thing for the users of this device is its security, so if you increase the Lockscreen security of your Android smartphone, no one can access your smartphone.

Usually, every Android smartphone has a built-in Lockscreen security system, but if you want, you can add an additional password system, but if it is a simple password, it is very easy to hack it, so today we will know how to strengthen this Lockscreen security system.

In case of pattern based security: Many Android devices have pattern based security system or users download it from app store and use it but you must be careful with these pattern based security system that you don't like any simple pattern but anyone around you can use this pattern based security system with a couple of efforts. can break and enter your device.

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Lockscreen system with signal: Currently, some Lockscreen apps ask users to lock the display by placing an image on top of any content, making it very difficult for anyone other than the device owner to break that signal and enter the Android device. So use this Lockscreen.

If you want to get some sort of Lockscreen app This app can download

Hide the unlock button: There is a type of app through which the user can hide the unlock button in any part of the display image, so that if a stranger wants to enter your device, he will think that the set is not unlocked, but he can't use anything and the unlock button to unlock. He won't find it.

To download this software you go here.

Using Lockscreen widgets: Never use Lockscreen widgets, it gives hackers easy access to your device, it's not a security system worth using.

Keep your phone with you at all times: It is reasonable to keep any personal items with you. No one will protect your personal things more than you, so keep your smartphone with you wherever you go, it will not be in the hands of an unwanted person and your personal security will not be compromised!

Source: The Tech Journal

Stay tuned to The Dhaka Times for more tutorials related to Android devices.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৫, ২০১৩ 2:14 pm


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