The Dhaka Times Desk At present, banking has become completely digital, as a result of which all banks collect all information on their own servers on the Internet, in this opportunity, a hacker from Israel stole the personal banking information of about 3.7 million bank account users of that country through hacking.
Hackers stole bank accounts, credit card numbers, passwords and personal information of 3.7 million users in Israel, now demanding a specified amount Bitcoin Must be given otherwise he will sell this information to other people.
The hacker said he has spread a massive botnet malware across Israel that has been installed on the computers of numerous Israelis, allowing him to steal all of the users' information. He also claims that through his spreading trojan network, he has easily obtained the confidential information of a large number of customers of all banks in Israel, which he now has in his possession.
Meanwhile, Israel-based news media haaretz It is quoted as saying that they talked to the hacker and the hacker said that if he is not given a certain amount of Bitcoin within this week, he will sell all the secret information to someone else.
Meanwhile, in the light of such threats of hackers, many people are thinking that if the hackers sell these information to someone else, it can cause a terrible disaster. In the meantime, various banks in Israel have spoken to the police about the matter and they have called to solve the problem by talking to the hacker or in some other way.
Source: The Tech Journal
This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৬, ২০১৩ 12:24 pm
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