The Dhaka Times Desk Winter has begun. With the onset of winter in rural towns, the trend of eating date juice and pitha has started. This is a different scene.
With the onset of winter, the village is appearing in front of everyone. Like every year, this year is no exception. Village gardeners are busy collecting sap from palm trees. Our country was famous for producing date palm trees and jaggery, a tradition of ancient Bengal - this fame still exists today. Many hobbyists call this tree honey tree. With the onset of winter, the competition to plant palm trees begins among the trees.
In recent times, date palm trees are rapidly running out as fuel for brick kilns. Palm trees are still being planted in different districts of the country. Arab native date palm seedlings have also been experimentally planted along with indigenous varieties. There has already been success in several places.
Palm trees which are not valued at other times become more valuable when winter comes. The traditional date jaggery of this country is made from this date juice. With which pitha, the main attraction of village-Bangla winter, is made again. The juice of these dates is burned to make molasses and patali. Brown sugar was also once made from date molasses. The taste and smell were completely different.
As soon as the new paddy comes up, the women of the village get busy making winter pies. Making various types of pitha is a village custom. When winter comes, every house in the village is filled with the smell of eating pita with daughter-in-law, relatives. But the main attraction of winter pitha is ras pitha. Dhupi pitha is made by making juice with date juice or date molasses water and soaked in it. Pitha made at night shivers to be eaten next morning in the cold. But even then, the village-Bangla started dressing up in a new way for this pitha. This tradition has been going on for hundreds of thousands of years.
During this time, the village town is filled with the smell of molasses from the sap of the palm tree. Not only the pita that housewives make with date juice, but also the delicious payesh-pitha made with this date juice. There is no match for the rasana gratification of dates and molasses patali. Ordinary people in rural towns wake up shivering in the winter morning and don't drink cold date juice as if the whole day is dry! These arrangements are still there in the villages. However, the smell of the village's traditional ras pitha is now going to disappear in the noise of the city dwellers. To the people of the city, they seem like fairy tales.