The Dhaka Times
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1 railway policeman killed in bomb blast in Kamalapur

The Dhaka Times Desk A security personnel was killed in a bomb blast at Kamalapur railway station. This incident happened around 3:30 today.


Sources in the media said that the explosive material in the bag of 2 youths exploded with a loud noise during the search at the Kamalapur railway station in the capital. A security guard on duty was killed at that time. The name of the security personnel killed is Abul Kashem. He was on duty at station yard number 17. While passing through that area, he searched the bags of 2 youths. At this time, the explosion occurred. As of this writing, Abul Kashem's body is at Kamalapur station.

Railway Minister Mujibul Haque visited the spot after receiving the news.

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