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See the unknown secret of marine animals jellyfish!

The Dhaka Times Desk Today, this report of The Dhaka Times has been arranged for you with a detailed discussion about jellyfish and some wonderful pictures of jellyfish.


We Bangladeshi people do not have much idea about jellyfish, although jellyfish are not seen very much in the marine area of Bangladesh, but due to the murky water, it is not possible to identify it properly.

Jellyfish are marine animals that are invertebrates and are found in all oceans of the world. The existence of this animal has been found in the sea since 5000 million years ago. This animal has no bones in its body and swims up and down in the sea water with its jelly-like body.

There are several species of jellyfish in the world, among these jellyfish, their life span varies depending on the species. They breed and reproduce during their young life.

Among the jellyfish species, several species are considered poisonous, there are always reports of human deaths due to poisoning by jellyfish stings in the coastal areas of different countries.

Now let's see some information about jellyfish through pictures:

1) Jellyfish has no anus, it eats through its mouth and excretes through its mouth.


2) Jellyfish can kill people, many jellyfish have terrible life-killing poison!


3) Jellyfish are capable of shutting down nuclear power plants.

Crown Jellyfish

4) The ability of jellyfish to survive in adverse environment is very high.


5) Jellyfish can store energy in its body.


6) They are able to move by rotation.


7) Jellyfish can emit bright light from its body.


8) Jellyfish are among the oldest animals on earth, they have been around for 5 billion years.


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