The Dhaka Times Desk The second largest planet in the solar system planet saturn। সম্প্রতি শনি গ্রহের বলয়ের প্রান্ত সীমায় এক রহস্য জনক বস্তুর অবস্থান নিশ্চিত করেছে of NASA Cassini spacecraft. Many astronomers believe that the mysterious object could be a new satellite of Saturn that is in the early stages of formation.
Saturn excels in beauty compared to other planets in the solar system due to its attractive rings, which create an abstract image on the cosmic canvas. The giants orbiting the planet the ring or the ring has Interestingly, the discovered ring is so huge that it has enough space to fill a hundred million or even a billion Earths. Most of the ring is covered by ice, sand, etc.
NASA for more detailed study of Saturn Cassini (Cassini) নামে মহাকাশ যান প্রেরণ করে ১৯৯৭ সালে। মহাকাশ যান ক্যাসিনি ২০০৪ সালে শনির কক্ষপথে গিয়ে পৌছায়। তখন থেকে মহাকাশ যানটি ছবি এবং ভিডিও পাঠানো শুরু করে। Amazing images of Saturn and its two moons sent by the Cassini spacecraft! – শিরোনামের আগের এক লেখাতে আমরা জেনেছিলাম।
British astronomer Carl Murray First spotted the mysterious object in the image sent by Cassini. It was discovered by analyzing 107 images of Saturn's rings. Cassini photographed the object on April 15 last year. On April 19, Carl Moore analyzed the images and named the object peggy. Interestingly, Peggy is the name of Carl Moore's mother-in-law and it was her birthday that day. He named the bag Peggy to commemorate his mother-in-law's birthday.
Peggy is very thin. An object just 0.6 miles or 1 kilometer in diameter is nothing in front of Saturn. Astronomers disagree about whether Peggy is actually a satellite. The Cassini spacecraft will be closer to Peggy after January this year. A better understanding of Peggy is expected then, subject to the availability of better photographs.
References: The Tech Journal, Wikipedia
This post was last modified on আগস্ট ২১, ২০১৪ 8:44 am
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