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Skype's official Facebook and Twitter IDs have been hacked by Syrian hackers

The Dhaka Times Desk The famous Syrian hacker group Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) Now welcome the new year by hacking the popular Skype Facebook and Twitter ID.


The Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) has informed that they have hacked Skype's official IDs on Facebook and Twitter, along with the use of Microsoft Outlook and Hotmail email services from these hacked Skype IDs. Warning message.


This is not the first hack of the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA). Before this, they have done various online work including hacking important sites of different countries. This time, by hacking Skype's Facebook page, Twitter account and blog service, they announced their position in the online world at the beginning of the year.


SEA has hacked these official IDs of Skype and wrote:

"Don't use Microsoft Email, Microsoft is monitoring you through Hotmail, Outlook, and selling your sensitive information to governments in various countries."


Skype, meanwhile, quickly recovered the hacked IDs, and said in a statement, "Our official Facebook and Twitter accounts have been hacked but are now fully under our control. No user's personal information has been hacked."

Source: The Tech Journal

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