Facebook is stealing and selling user's secret information!

The Dhaka Times Desk A lawsuit has been filed against Facebook in California, alleging that Facebook is selling confidential information shared in its users' timelines and messages to various advertising companies without the user's permission!

In this specific complaint against Facebook, the plaintiffs allege that Facebook is selling data surveys of its millions of users on a variety of topics to various advertising agencies, thereby threatening the privacy of users.

The lawsuit was filed by two US citizens who use Facebook and found that Facebook was selling their accounts and the personal information of numerous Facebook users across America, such as likes sent through messages, as well as website URLs that users share. In this, the two users claim that all Facebook users including them are at risk of information security and Facebook should return the money that has been earned by selling their data so far to the users.

The complaint further states that when a Facebook user is sharing content with friends in their private message transactions and sharing a link to a third-party website, Facebook is scanning and selling it without the user's permission. Such actions are directly punishable under US law.

Meanwhile, Facebook has said that they have done no such thing, and they have evidence to strongly argue against this allegation.

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Earlier, Facebook had to pay around 30 million dollars in damages at various times due to various violations of personal data security of users.

Source: ABC.net

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৬, ২০১৪ 11:48 am


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