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Microsoft will bring back the previous Start menu in Windows 8.2 version

The Dhaka Times Desk Microsoft's The operating system is Windows 8 and earlier versions Start menu was not As recently reported, Microsoft Windows 8.2 Brings back the previous start menu in the version.


Microsoft's previous operating system xp, the vista And lastly Windows seven This was the start menu. In the start menu, the user can see all the software installed on the computer at once. Also the start menu is very user friendly for navigating to different drives and locations. The option to search on and off the computer can be selected from the start menu.

Windows 8 operating After the release of the system, it was found that there is no start menu in this new operating system. Windows 8, rich in Metro user interface, felt unfamiliar to older users due to the lack of a Start menu. Instead of the start menu, a start screen is added where applications, programs are available at a glance. The Start menu was added later in Windows 8 version 8.1. But it was basically a shortcut that led to a new start screen.

According to a recent reliable information search, Microsoft will bring back the much-discussed Start menu in Windows 8.2 version. Windows 7-like Start menu will be added which will be enriched with Metro user interface of Windows 8.

References: The Tech Journal

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