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The comic story has come up in the street lights of the whole city of Montreal!

The Dhaka Times Desk Canadian city Montreal Now it has become a comic city, all the street lights of this city are decorated with comic stories!


Believe it or not, all the lampposts on the streets of Montreal city are made in the image of a comic character and there is a series of stories written on each lamp just like a comic book. Pedestrians can taste the comics while walking on the street.

The city of Montreal is the second largest city in Canada, this city consists of an entire island, the city of Montreal has recently become famous for two reasons, firstly it is the second French language city in the world and the street lamps here have amazing comic stories!


Turn Me On A design firm called for a special event where competitive ideas are invited for innovative initiatives to improve the city. Estelle Jugant and Yazid Belkhir decided together to decorate the whole city in the mood of winter, the idea is to install a new type of comic lamp around the city where comic characters and stories are added to the outer frame of the lamps, allowing the pedestrians of the city to read the comics while walking on the sidewalks. And the city is decorated in an exceptional fashion.

Let's take a look at some street scenes in Montreal:

Source: The Tech Journal

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