Categories: recipe

Recipe: Egg Special Halwa

The Dhaka Times Desk Today we have another exceptional item for you Egg Special Halwa. This applies to all. However, those with diabetes can use sucralose (a sugar substitute) instead of sugar in the ingredients.


  • # sugar 1 cup
  • # ghee 1 cup
  • # one and a half cups of powdered milk
  • # 6 eggs
  • # Cardamom 5/6
  • # cinnamon 3 pieces
  • # little food coloring
  • # is similar to pistachios and raisins
  • prepared method

    First, mix eggs, milk powder, sugar, food coloring together. Then add ghee, cinnamon and cardamom in another bowl and stir the egg, milk and sugar mixture. When the mixture thickens and the oil starts to appear, take it out and spread it on a tray. Now sprinkle raisins and pistachio nuts over it. Now cut into barfi shapes with a knife or serve in small pies or bowls.

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    This post was last modified on জুন ২৩, ২০২২ 2:17 pm

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