Categories: general

Ershad won by boycotting the election!

The Dhaka Times Desk Despite taking part in the elections and later announcing his withdrawal, Jatiya Party Chairman Hossain Muhammad Ershad won the 10th parliamentary elections this year.

Rangpur-3 candidate of the rival National Socialist Party (JSD) Md. Jatiya Party Chairman Hossain Muhammad Ershad won by defeating Sabbir Hossain by a margin of 29 thousand 867 votes. After many dramas, he announced his withdrawal from the election, but as his application for withdrawal of candidature was not approved, he was printed on the ballot paper. Although in Rangpur, he was not seen to be campaigning. Still, the voters of Rangpur-3 constituency voted for Hossain Muhammad Ershad.

The Election Commission has announced the results of 198 out of 206 centers of Rangpur-3 constituencies privately. It is known that in these results Hossain Muhammad Ershad of Jatiya Party (Langal Marka) got 55 thousand 453 votes. His rival National Socialist Party (JASD) candidate. Sabbir Hossain (Mashal Marka) got 25 thousand 586 votes.

It is to be noted that Hossain Muhammad Ershad had submitted his nomination papers after going to the elections but then officially announced his boycott of the elections. Later, Ershad was admitted to the Combined Military Hospital in Dhaka Cantonment. However, there are many rumors about his admission. He claimed that he was detained.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৬, ২০১৪ 10:04 am

Staff reporter

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