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The widely criticized video in the media about the tenth national election!

The Dhaka Times Desk The tenth national election was held yesterday, January 5. In the history of Bangladesh, such a ridiculous election seems to have never been seen. A widely criticized video of this election has surfaced on various social media, including Facebook, which has been collected by various TV media.

In 1988 when H. M. Ershad was the president of the country. Then there was a 'yes' and 'no' vote. Then it was seen that people did not go to vote. Then Jatiya Party party people sat in the center and filled the boxes with thousands of ballots and sealed 'yes'. Things were not so neat then. Because there was not so much media in Bangladesh then. But in the amount of media in Bangladesh today, nothing is hidden.

Many such incidents happened in the 10th national election as well. Which has been widely publicized in the country's media and social sites.

1) Several such videos are available on Facebook. A number of unrelated issues including fake votes come up in it. It can be seen in these videos, even after voting, they stand in line again to vote. When asked by journalists, they give various funny statements.

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2) Another video shows a person casting fake votes. He is voting after finding that no voter has come to vote. When he came out after voting, the journalists ran away to take his speech. The man escaped with the help of the police when the journalists caught him.

3) Another video shows a huge line outside but no voters inside. When asked inside, the agents said that only 1 vote was cast in three hours.

4) In another mobile video, the voter is being told that it has been given. These poll workers were heard to say so.

In this way, the 10th National Parliament election has been turned into a satirical comedy. There is already widespread criticism of elections without opposition parties. Moreover, such actions are believed to have made the election more controversial.

Image: (Cartoon) Huda

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৬, ২০১৪ 11:48 pm

Staff reporter

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