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The skin of the giant dinosaurs was scaly like reptiles!

The Dhaka Times Desk Millions of years ago, dinosaurs, once the world's largest and most powerful animals, roamed the earth today. The evolution of dinosaurs from birds is still a mystery to scientists. A recent new study has revealed that dinosaurs' body armor was covered with tough shells like reptiles.


The new study was published in October last year Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Presented at its annual meeting.

National History Museum in London Paul Barrett and the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto David Evans Researched on dinosaurs. They created a database of dinosaur tissues. The database identifies animals with feathers or feather-like structures in their plumage and reviews the genetic similarities of dinosaurs to these animals.

Research shows Theropods Among the dinosaurs Tyrannosaurus And Velociraptors Dinosaurs evolved from feather-like animals. It is also known that Ornithischians Among the dinosaurs Psittacosaurus and Tianyulong There were thorns or scales on the skin. Most dinosaurs were eventually covered entirely by scaly or armor-type skin.

Note that the name 'dinosaur' comes from the Greek language which means 'terrible lizard'. In 1842, the English paleontologist Richard Owen gave the dinosaurs such a strange name because of their huge bodies.

Reference: The Tech Journal

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