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10th National Assembly Election: Voted 39.81 percent!

The Dhaka Times Desk The 10th National Parliament election was held on January 5. There is a lot of doubt about the percentage of votes cast in this election. The Election Commission has not yet said anything. However, a news media said that 39.81 percent of votes were cast across the country.

The news media reported this information on Monday citing a reliable source of the EC.

Quoting sources, the news also said that out of 4 crore 15 lakh 21 thousand 324 voters, a total of 1 crore 65 lakh 30 thousand 775 votes were cast in the election. As such, 39.81 percent of votes were cast across the country. However, this account has come across differently in the media. Some news media wrote 39.66 and some wrote 39.77.

However, the account of the voters of the 8 constituencies where the voting has been postponed has not yet come. Maybe this calculation will change after taking the polls from the suspended centers i.e. it will increase by a small amount. Re-voting will be held on January 16 in the eight constituencies suspended in the 10th National Assembly elections.

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However, Brahmanbaria-3 seat is ahead in terms of number of votes this time. Total voters in this constituency are 4 lakh 45 thousand 99 people. Among them Obaidul Moktadir Chowdhury of Awami League got 2 lakh 68 thousand 29 votes. His closest rival Zapar Md. Farid Ahmad got 6 thousand 174 votes. The percentage of votes cast is 61.74 percent of the total votes cast.

The situation is the same in Gopalganj-3 constituencies. The total number of voters there is 2 lakh 11 thousand 951, 1 lakh 87 thousand 185 voted for Sheikh Hasina. His nearest rival A Z Apu Sheikh got only 2,430 votes. The voting rate is 89.95 percent.

On the other hand, Munshiganj-1 constituency got the least votes. The total number of voters in this constituency is 2 lakh 71 thousand 756, the winning Awami League candidate got 11 thousand 683 votes. Rival candidate Zafar Noor Mohammad got 6 thousand 957 votes. The voting rate is only 8.40 percent.

It should be noted that although the polling was completed on January 5, the Election Commission has not officially announced the voter turnout.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৭, ২০১৪ 10:10 am

Staff reporter

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