The Dhaka Times
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Human body parts fell from the sky in Saudi Arabia!

The Dhaka Times Desk A large part of the human body collapsed from the sky of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia! When a local resident saw the matter, he informed the administration.


Nawaf Bin Nasser Ar Bak, the head of the police in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, said that at around 2:30 p.m. last Sunday, a local resident saw a dismembered body of a man suddenly falling from the sky in front of him. He was alarmed at first, but then the local police Contacted the administration.

Nawaf bin Nasser also said, "We are investigating the matter, it could be a person who wants to go to another country by hiding inside the wheel of an airplane flying in the sky or something like that."


Recently in Saudi Arabia, the tendency of people to fly in the sky by holding airplane wheels or similar parts has become strong among people. Last Sunday, a plane made an emergency landing at Madinah city airport where about 29 people were injured. The plane was carrying about 315 passengers from Iran, but several people in the cockpit of the plane tried to get to Saudi Arabia. father

Meanwhile, in the Saudi city of Jeddah, a sensational situation is going on among the people of that country with human organs falling from the sky.

Source: Adelaidenow

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