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Turmeric is very useful in preventing stuttering, measles and allergies

The Dhaka Times Desk Turmeric plays a special role in health awareness. Turmeric has many properties. Today the quality of turmeric is being presented to you.

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The uses of turmeric in everyday cooking are endless. Turmeric is mainly used to make food colorful and attractive. But its health benefits are also many.

Children are not affected by skin diseases if turmeric is used in moderation. For this reason, mothers in rural areas sometimes bathe their children with oil and turmeric. Herbalists give turmeric medicine for deworming children.

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# raw turmeric juice mixed with age-appropriate amount of salt (maximum 20 drops) taken in empty stomach in the morning destroys worms.

# children are fed turmeric to overcome stuttering. Turmeric powder should be fried in ghee and licked if there is stuttering or stuttering while speaking. But don't eat too much. Fry 2/3 gram of turmeric with one teaspoon of Andaz ghee.

# In case of fever, raw turmeric should be dried and powdered, mixed with the juice of Usta leaves and a little honey. It cures the fever quickly.

# Many people develop allergies after eating shrimp, fish, beef or haas eggs. Multiple parts of the body develop into wheels. In this case, mix twice the amount of raw turmeric powder with neem leaf powder and three times the amount of amlaki powder and take a teaspoon every day. But it should be eaten on an empty stomach for about 15 days. It will reduce allergy by 90%. However, if the allergy does not decrease, it will not cause any harm to the body.

# When eye twitching starts in a family, everyone's eye twitches in turn. This disease can be easily treated with turmeric. If turmeric is bruised, take the juice and mix it with water. Then wet a clean handkerchief with that water and wipe the eyes. It quickly heals puffiness and redness of the eyes.

# Turmeric paste or turmeric powder should be given in case of leech or sprain in any part of the body. A mixture of turmeric and salt on the sprained area relieves the sprained pain quickly.

# uses turmeric in morphology. Eating raw turmeric juice keeps the skin beautiful. Applying raw turmeric and neem leaves on the face cures acne and improves facial skin.

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